Cornerstone Business Solutions

Cyber Security

Comprehensive IT Threat Identification

At Cornerstone Business Solutions, our team of cyber security experts are here to quickly and efficiently expose threats and vulnerabilitie within the hardware, software and other technology that your company uses that could be exploited by cyber criminals. As these criminals become more sophisticated in the complexity of their attacks, cyber security for your business has never been more important to help prevent potential data loss and to minimise both disruption and downtime. Due to the skills or staff members and skill set required to keep on top if this emerging area of security, many businesses will find our cyber security service invaluable.

Upon completion of our initial investigation your detailed security assessment and analysis report will identify high-risk systems and software currently being used and give you options to rectify these issues to ensure you have the best possible protection for your employees, clients and customers.

Become Cyber Essentials Accredited

As part of our commitment to improving cyber security for businesses throughout the North East, we now offer a program of accreditation through Cyber Essentials, giving your customers and clients peace of mind that your business meets a high standard of security compliance and that their data is safe and secure.

Comprehensive Tools

Our tools are feature-rich and intended to maximise their value to your organisation. The features available include:


The Security “report card” grading system quickly and clearly shows your security position.

Security Risk score quantifies issues into measurable values that can be tracked over time.

Security Risk Analysis Engine analyzes massive quantity of data for best practices violations and issues.

Security Audit Log analysis of thousands of log entries across the network for anomalous and failed logins.

Facilitate Security Permission Reviews of share permissions, group policy settings, and RSOP analysis.

Ensure Perimeter Defenses are protecting properly with routine, external vulnerability scans.

Verify Outbound Firewall Configuration to block unnecessary outbound traffic and filtering to reduce worms and ransomware.

Find lack of Egress Filtering (blocking outbound traffic) one of the most misconfigured firewall settings.

Data Breach Liability report monetizes a client’s potential liability by scanning for personal data that could be compromised in a data breach.

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